Lessons of 2024—five truths for investors

Lessons of 2024—five truths for investors 

By James Parkyn - PWL Capital - Montreal

What the past year revealed about forecasts, timing the market and diversification  

The markets are a wonderful teacher. If we pay attention, they provide fascinating lessons about investing.

Our friend and author Larry Swedroe put it nicely. “With great frequency, markets offer remedial courses covering lessons they taught in previous years,” he wrote.

“That’s why one of my favorite sayings is that there’s nothing new in investing, only investment history you don’t know.”

With these wise words in mind, let’s take a look at our five main lessons from 2024. Spoiler: It may not come as a surprise that all of this year’s lessons can be found in our lessons from 2022 and 2023.


Lesson #1: No one can forecast the markets.

Market forecasters from major financial institutions had a terrible record last year. This is nothing new. They also had a poor record in 2023 and the year before that. The lesson here: Don’t pay attention to the annual caravan of  forecasts and outlooks for the coming year.

It is true that occasionally a handful of forecasters can get it right—generally thanks to sheer luck. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. That doesn’t mean those analysts’ predictions will be correct in future. No one can consistently predict the markets. Our advice is to tune out the noise and stay focused on your long-term investing success.


Lesson #2: Valuations don’t help you time the markets.

After two years of outstanding back-to-back gains for equities, some investors have grown nervous about excessive valuations. But such past periods don’t give solid clues about what to expect this year.

As markets hit repeated new highs last year, they continued to soar—hitting higher highs again and again. Research shows that stock markets don’t necessarily underperform after new highs. “There are no crystal balls allowing us to foresee exactly when each shift will occur [from outperformance to underperformance],” Larry Swedroe recently wrote.

That said, it is a good idea to periodically review your holdings and rebalance them to stay aligned with your target allocations. Speak with your advisor about this process. At PWL, we have such conversations regularly with our clients.  


Lesson #3: Active management is a loser’s game.

Just 4% of companies were responsible for all stock market wealth creation above risk-free Treasuries from 1926 to 2023, according to an eye-opening study by Arizona State University finance professor Hendrik Bessembinder.

How do you pick the winning stocks of the future? You can’t. “Picking stocks is more like gambling than investing,” says David Booth, co-founder of Dimensional Fund Advisors.

But you don’t need to find the winners if you simply buy the whole market through an index fund. That way, you can be sure to benefit no matter which companies gain. As Vanguard founder Jack C. Bogle puts it: “Don’t look for the needle, buy the haystack.”

Lesson #4: Diversification works.  

U.S. stocks outperformed their international and Canadian counterparts in 2024. Does that mean diversification no longer works? Of course not. Some sector or country always does better in any given year. We just can’t know ahead of time which one.

Instead of rolling the dice, we must remember why we diversified our portfolios in the first place—to reduce risk while maintaining long-term expected returns.

Research supports this approach. In a paper titled “International Diversification—Still Not Crazy After All These Years” in The Journal of Portfolio Management, the authors concluded that international diversification “does a pretty great job of protecting investors over the long term…. The long-run case for it remains relevant. Both financial theory and common sense favor international diversification.”

Lesson #5: Sticking to your plan paid off in 2024. 

Sticking to your investing plan pays off. Investors who held onto their broadly diversified portfolios through the volatility of recent years were handsomely rewarded in 2024.

The lesson? Invest based on long-term planning—not emotions. Imagine if you had quit the markets early because of the volatility. “Pessimism always sounds smarter than optimism,” Morgan Housel, author of the book The Psychology of Money, wrote, “because optimism sounds like a sales pitch while pessimism sounds like someone trying to help you.”

The markets in their wisdom are continually providing valuable lessons. It’s up to us to notice them and learn from them. This allows us to greet with confidence and discipline whatever may come in 2025. 

Read more commentary and insights on personal finance and investing in our past blog posts, eBooks and podcast on the website of PWL Capital’s Parkyn-Doyon La Rochelle team and on our Capital Topics website.  

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE EXPERTISE OF JAMES PARKYN, Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital Montreal to determine the best solution for you.

2024 Market Review

2024 Market Review 

By James Parkyn - PWL Capital - Montreal

Stellar Gains, Missed Predictions and Market Surprises  

Since this is my first blog of the year, I’d like to wish readers a happy, healthy and prosperous year in 2025. In keeping with tradition, let’s kick off the year with a look at how global capital markets performed in 2024. 

The short answer: They did exceptionally well. The last two years marked the first time since 1997-98 that the S&P 500 Index had two consecutive years of returns above 20%. All the stock markets we invest in saw double-digit returns.  

(You can find market statistics in the resources section of our Capital Topics website and on our team’s page on the PWL Capital website.) 


Pundits got it wrong… again 

This sunny result was certainly not what was predicted by pundits at the start of 2024. Many warned of significant market headwinds, citing inflation and geopolitical worries such as the war in Ukraine, the Middle East conflict and Chinese threats over Taiwan. It didn’t help that the U.S. was headed into a highly divisive presidential campaign. 

But as readers of this blog will know, it’s nothing new that pundits were wrong. On the economic front, central banks proved successful in taming inflation while also managing to avoid triggering recessions.  


Decent returns for bonds 

In fixed-income markets, Canadian bonds experienced decent returns as the Bank of Canada lowered its benchmark rate and bond prices rose. (Bond prices rise when bond yields go down.)  

Canadian short-term bonds were up 5.7% for the year, while the total bond market, which holds longer-dated maturities, was up by 4.23%.  

The Canadian short-term bond index currently yields 3.3%, while the total bond market yields around 3.7%.  


Banner year for equities 

Equities saw a banner year in 2024. In Canada, the S&P/TSX Composite Index shot up an impressive 21.65% and hit multiple new record highs. It was a broad-based performance, too; 10 of the 11 sectors saw gains. As in 2023, information technology led the way with a spectacular 45.1% return. 

Unusually, value outperformed growth. Large and mid-cap growth stocks gained 19.9% versus 26.0% for value stocks. Small-cap stocks also outperformed large and mid-cap stocks with a performance of 21.91%. 

We highlight value and small-cap stock performance because we tilt toward these asset classes in our clients’ portfolios due to historic data showing their expected higher long-term returns. 

Stellar U.S. equity gains   

U.S. equities also saw stellar gains. The total U.S. market soared 23.81% in U.S. dollars. It did even better in Canadian dollars—up 34.31%—because our currency lost ground against the greenback. 

The growth vs. value story was reversed south of the border. Large and mid-cap growth stocks were up a remarkable 44.67% last year, while value stocks generated a still very respectable 24.07% (both in Canadian dollars).  

In 2024, the big story in the U.S. was the surge of momentum in artificial intelligence stocks. Communication services and technology were the top-performing sectors, led mostly by the so-called “Magnificent Seven” stocks.

Mega-gains for “Mag 7” 

The “Mag 7” are the seven largest U.S. stocks by market capitalization: Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms (Facebook), Microsoft, NVIDIA and Tesla.  

These mega-companies skyrocketed on average 60.5% last year. The top gainer was NVIDIA (up 171%), while the worst was Microsoft (12%).  

The market cap weight of the “Mag Seven” has only continued to grow. They now represent 34% of the S&P 500 Index and close to 19% of the MSCI All Country World Index.   

International equities also did well 

International developed markets didn’t do as well as North American equities, but still had a good year. Large and mid-cap stocks returned 12.63% in Canadian dollars. International large and mid-cap value stocks outperformed growth, gaining 14.65% compared to 10.7% for growth. Small cap stocks also did well but trailed large and mid-cap stocks with a performance of 10.45%. 

Emerging markets did better, with large and mid-cap stocks returning 17.22%. Large and mid-cap growth outperformed value, and small cap stocks trailed large caps.  

Lost decade ahead? 

The exceptional returns and high mega-cap concentration have raised questions about whether we’ll see below-average equity returns in 2025 and beyond. Some have predicted a “lost decade” ahead. 

Ben Carlson, in his blog A Wealth of Common Sense, found that the S&P 500 Index has seen three instances of back-to-back returns above 25% since 1928. It happened in 1935-36, 1954-55 and 1997-98. 

The subsequent year’s results were all over the map. In 1937, the index lost 35%, in 1956 it gained 7% and in 1999 it shot up 21%. “Terrible, decent and great. Not helpful,” Carlson concluded. 


Stick to the plan with discipline 

We may not be able to predict the future, but we can continue following our long-term strategy of diversified investing using broad index funds. After outsized gains in any asset class, it’s also a good idea to take profits and rebalance to stay aligned with your target allocations. 

Sticking to your investment strategy with discipline is the best way to weather any coming doldrums and benefit most from market advances. 

Read more commentary and insights on personal finance and investing in our past blog posts, eBooks and podcast on the website of PWL Capital’s Parkyn-Doyon La Rochelle team and on our Capital Topics website.  

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE EXPERTISE OF JAMES PARKYN, Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital Montreal to determine the best solution for you.

Our best investment advice of 2024

Our best investment advice of 2024

By James Parkyn - PWL Capital - Montreal

The year gone by was extraordinary for stocks. In 2024, investors shrugged off high interest rates and warnings of a possible economic slowdown, boosting equities to multiple new all-time highs.

In the first half of 2024, the S&P 500 Index had its 13th best yearly start since 1950. By the end of December, the U.S. total market index had soared 34.31% in Canadian dollars, while Canadian equities shot up 21.65% and international large and mid-cap stocks gained 12.63% in Canadian dollars.

As we embark on a new year, we wanted to look back at some of our most popular blog posts of 2024.


  1. Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.

    We reminded readers to keep Babe Ruth’s classic advice in mind when they heard tongues wag about the “Magnificent Seven” stocks that did so well last year.

    So-called “Mag 7” stocks such as NVIDIA, Microsoft and Apple performed exceptionally. But this was far from the first time a small handful of darling companies had turned heads or dominated markets.

    A Wall Street Journal analysis of 10 market-cap leaders found that these companies underperformed the U.S. stock market by 6 percentage points in the five years after they hit No. 1. As we often say at PWL, don’t chase past returns!

  2. Patience pays: Warren Buffett’s advice to investors.

    We shared investing wisdom from Buffett’s annual newsletter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. The world’s most famous stock investor believes that success comes from patiently riding out market volatility and holding positions for the long term, not trying to time markets.

    “It’s harder than you would think to predict which [companies] will be the winners and losers. And those who tell you they know the answer are usually either self-delusional or snake-oil salesmen,” Buffett said.

  3. As stocks rocketed to new highs, we talked about how investors should respond.

    Should you wait for a correction before adding to investments? Should you take profits?

    Evidence suggests that rising stocks are a normal and healthy sign of a strong economy. The broad U.S. equity market has made 1,250 new highs since 1950, or 16 per year, according to RBC Global Asset Management.

    Markets don’t necessarily retreat after record highs. In fact, RBC’s report and a second study from Dimensonal Fund Advisors found that returns after all-time highs weren’t materially different than those from investing at other times.

  4. Almost all wealth creation typically comes from a tiny number of stocks.

    How tiny a number?

    New research shows that just 4% of stocks accounted for all stock market wealth creation above a risk-free investment in Treasury bills from 1926 to 2023. A majority of stocks—51.6% to be exact—actually had negative compound returns in this period. In other words, most stocks lost money over their life.

    Since we can’t know the future stars ahead of time, study author Hendrik Bessembinder concluded that it’s best to own the entire market through broad index funds. The research gives powerful support for investing strategies that focus on passively owning a well-diversified portfolio of stocks with a long-term horizon—the approach we use at PWL.

  5. Can a crystal ball make you rich? Not necessarily, we reported in our blog.

    An experiment set out to see how 118 U.S. university graduate students—90% in finance or MBA programs—would do in the markets if they had access to the previous day’s Wall Street Journal.

    Not so well, it turned out. The students had an average return of just 3.2%—statistically indistinguishable from breaking even. Just under half of students (45%) lost money, while 16% went bust. They made winning trades only 51.5% of the time.

    These middling results were actually much better than those of 1,500 people who tried the same experiment on the study authors’ website. Their median result was a 30% loss, while 36% lost everything.

    The results are just another good example of how hard it is to guess what markets will do. Even advance information appears to be unhelpful for most people. It can actually be ruinous for some.

    As we often say at PWL, timing the market is a gamble. Data shows you’re better off with long-term investment plan that you stick to with discipline.


On behalf of PWL Capital’s Parkyn-Doyon La Rochelle team, we wish you and your family good health, prosperity and happiness in all you do in 2025!

Read more commentary and insights on personal finance and investing in our past blog posts, eBooks and podcast on the website of PWL Capital’s Parkyn-Doyon La Rochelle team and on our Capital Topics website.    

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE EXPERTISE OF JAMES PARKYN, Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital Montreal to determine the best solution for you.

Working with Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle: Our Approach to Managing Wealth

Working with Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle: Our Approach to Managing Wealth

By James Parkyn - PWL Capital - Montreal

Managing wealth is at the heart of everything we do as portfolio managers and financial advisors at Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle. After all, wealth is the foundation of your financial independence and money properly invested will help you reach your goals.

With so many options, and so many preconceived ideas, where do you start?

When it comes to investing money, we think transparency is always the way forward. So, let’s go back-to-basics, and answer fundamental questions regarding how we manage your wealth.

Here is how we work at Parkyn—Doyon la Rochelle.       

Why invest in financial markets?

A successful financial plan hinges on your money being properly invested to grow and generate returns. But why invest in financial markets? There are several reasons:

  • Grow wealth over time: Historically, investing in financial markets tends to offer a higher return than savings accounts for example. This means your money has the potential to grow at a faster rate, allowing you to build wealth for your retirement or future goals.

  • Beat inflation: Inflation slowly reduces the buying power of your money over time. Investing can potentially help your money grow faster than inflation, which means you maintain or even increase your purchasing power in the future.

  • Diversification: Investing in a variety of assets can help spread out your risk. This means that if one investment goes down in value, the others may help balance it out.

What is a financial plan?

A financial plan is a comprehensive strategy for managing finances to achieve long-term goals. For high wealth individuals, this typically means preserving and growing wealth through tailored approaches to investing, tax optimization, and legacy planning. A financial plan for affluent clients might involve structuring trusts and philanthropic endeavors alongside traditional asset management.

How do we invest your money?

The Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle approach starts with discussing and understanding your goals. Is it simply to retire comfortably? Travel more or acquire a vacation property? Fund post-secondary education for your kids and grandchildren? Give back through philanthropy? All of the above?

Based on your goals, we create an investment plan designed to achieve the returns you need to attain these goals, taking into consideration the level of risk you are comfortable with.         

How do we approach risk?

We know that returns are closely correlated to risk. That is why we take the time to discuss your tolerance to risk and risk capacity and answer all your questions about how markets fluctuate.

Your goals and risk tolerance will dictate how we design your investment portfolio, as well as where and how your money will be invested.

When building a portfolio, we subscribe to evidence-based and data-driven investment principles that minimize costs and maximize your diversification. This allows us to ensure greater, more reliable returns.

How do we design a tailored portfolio for you?

Here are all the dimensions we consider while designing your portfolio:

  • Asset allocation: This is the foundation of your portfolio. It involves dividing your investments among different asset classes based on your tolerance to risk and risk capacity and goals.
    Here's a general breakdown:

    • Stocks: Ownership in companies; generally, offer higher growth potential than other asset classes, but also higher risk.

    • Bonds: Loans to governments or companies; provide regular income but typically lower growth than other asset classes.

    • Cash equivalents: Very low-risk investments like savings accounts or money market funds; used for short-term goals or emergencies.

  • Diversification: We don't put all your eggs in one basket. We carefully distribute your investments across various asset classes, sectors, and geographical locations. This helps to mitigate risk because if one investment loses value, others may compensate.

What is an asset class?

An asset class is a grouping of investments with similar characteristics and subject to the same laws and regulations. Common examples of asset classes include: Equities (e.g., stocks), fixed income (e.g., bonds), cash and cash equivalents, real estate, commodities, and currencies. Focusing on asset classes is one way to help investors diversify their portfolios.

  • Investments: We invest in broad-market ETFs from reputable providers such as Vanguard, iShares, BMO, and institutional calibre mutual funds sourced from Dimensional Fund Advisors Canada ULC (DFA).

What is a broad-market ETF?

A broad-market ETF is a type of exchange traded fund that tracks major indices such as the S&P 500. They diversify exposure to the overall market, reducing risk while providing potential long-term growth. ETFs are similar to stocks since they both trade on stock exchanges. An example of a broad-market ETF is the is the SPDR S&P 500

What is an institutional calibre mutual fund?

An institutional calibre mutual fund is a high-quality fund designed for large investors, offering professional management and lower fees. These funds have rigorous selection criteria and are often used in portfolios for stability and growth. An example is Dimensional Canadian Core Fund Class F.

  • Fees and taxes: Investment fees and taxes can eat into your returns. That is why we use low expense-ratio mutual funds and ETFs. We minimize potential tax implications in your investment choices.

What is a low expense-ratio mutual fund or ETF?

A low expense-ratio mutual fund or ETF has fewer fees deducted from returns. Investors use them to maximize gains and reduce costs. An example is the Vanguard US Total Market Index ETF (VUN), known for its minimal expense ratio while offering broad market exposure.

  • Rebalance and review: Over time, the value of your investments will fluctuate, causing your asset allocation to drift. We periodically rebalance your portfolio to get back to your target asset allocation. We also regularly review your financial situation and tolerance to risk and risk capacity and adjust your portfolio accordingly.

What is our role as a portfolio manager?

Expertly managing your wealth and helping you achieve your financial goals is at the core of our mission as portfolio managers and financial advisors.

  • Risk mitigation and diversification: One of our primary objectives as portfolio managers is to spread risk across a variety of assets. This reduces the impact of poor performance in any one given area to ensure more stable returns over time.

  • Return optimization: We aim to maximize returns given your specific level of tolerance to risk and risk capacity. This involves a careful balance between conservative and more aggressive investments to achieve the highest possible return on investment.

  • Behavioural coaching: Through behavioural financial coaching, our role is to provide guidance, helping you stay on course and adhere to your financial plan, preventing decisions that may impact your long-term objectives.

  • Capital preservation: While seeking returns is important, preserving capital is equally vital. As portfolio managers, we strive to protect your initial investment, especially if you have a lower risk appetite.

  • Liquidity management: We ensure that your portfolio maintains sufficient liquidity to meet your short-term financial needs.

  • Tax efficiency: Portfolio management often involves strategies to minimize tax liabilities, such as tax-loss harvesting and asset location, to enhance after-tax returns. We identify opportunities to optimize tax efficiency.

  • Long-term growth: We help prioritize long-term growth in our clients’ portfolios, to build wealth for retirement or other significant financial goals.

  • Cost management: Reducing investment costs such as fees and expenses can significantly impact overall returns. We efficiently manage these costs to enhance your outcomes.

Why partner with Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle?

We understand the importance of investing wisely to build wealth, beat inflation, and diversify risk.

When you partner with us, you get a personalized approach grounded in transparency, evidence-based strategies, and a deep understanding of your unique goals and tolerance to risk and risk capacity. You also gain a trusted advisor who can help you navigate the complexities of the financial markets and secure a prosperous future.

Let’s start building your roadmap to financial prosperity today

For more commentary and insights on investing and personal finance, listen to our Capital Topics podcast and subscribe to never miss an episode. And download your free copy of our popular eBook Seven Deadly Sins of Investing.

When Is the Right Time to Switch Financial Advisors?

When Is the Right Time to Switch Financial Advisors?

By James Parkyn - PWL Capital - Montreal

When it comes to managing your wealth, it’s important to consider the value you are currently getting from your current advisor. If you feel that you currently paying too much to get too little, you are not alone. According to the 2023 EY Global Wealth Research Report, 45% of Canadians are looking to switch or add providers to help them manage their money more effectively.

It's understandable why Canadians are reevaluating who handles their wealth: high fees for proprietary products, subpar diversification and performance, a lack of a holistic financial plan…. In our expert opinion, you have every right to expect more.

Benefits of switching financial advisors

Perhaps you have reached a new junction in your professional life. Or it’s time to wind down your activities and think about retirement. Or perhaps you’re not sure you have the right plan in place or simply need a second opinion to feel secure about how your wealth can provide a comfortable life, now and for a long time.

Sometimes a fresh start is all you need to gain clarity, pay less, and get way more in return, such as a comprehensive plan focused on what you can control, that guides you towards reaching your ultimate objectives while minimizing costs.

What to look for in a new financial advisor 

Feeling unsure about where to start? A good financial advisor should offer a hassle-free journey guided by experts that's surprisingly easy and designed to deliver maximum value.

That's exactly what teaming up with the Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle team offers. We'll walk you through every step with open ears and an attention to details. As a result, you'll feel confident knowing you have a personalized plan in place, and your investments are actively working towards your dreams.

Steps involved in becoming a Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle client

Becoming a Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle client is easy and stress-free. Here’s our 4-step process, during which we do all of the heavy lifting:

  1. The Discovery Meeting: Understanding Your Vision

    The first step is a relaxed discovery meeting. This is your chance to share your financial goals, aspirations, and concerns. We will actively listen and then ask questions to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique situation. This includes your current financial standing, risk tolerance, and long-term vision.

    It’s also a chance to learn more about our team, along with our evidence-based investment philosophy and approach to safekeeping your assets.

  2. Crafting Your Personalized Plan: Tailored Solutions

    Based on the discovery meeting, we will propose a customized financial plan. This plan outlines a clear roadmap encompassing investment strategies, risk management approaches, and potential tax optimization strategies. Everything is designed to align with your specific goals, whether it's planning for retirement, saving for a child's education, or building wealth for a comfortable future.

  3. Transferring Funds: Seamless Transition

    Once you're comfortable with the proposed plan, and decide to join us, we will initiate the transfer of funds. We know how to handle this process efficiently and will work with your current financial institutions to facilitate the secure transfer of your assets. If there are financial or tax implications related to the transfer, we will explain the choices in plain language and suggest the best way forward, with your best interests at heart.   

  4. Regular Review Meetings: Staying on Track

    Your journey with us doesn't end with the initial plan. Regular review meetings are an essential part of the process. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss any changes in your financial situation and adjust the plan accordingly to ensure you remain on track towards your goals. We optimize the frequency of these meetings to keep you fully in the loop without draining your time.

    Throughout this process, you can expect clear communication and transparency. We will be readily available to answer your questions, address concerns, and provide ongoing guidance.

Why Choose the Parkyn Doyon La Rochelle Team?

Partnering with us offers several key benefits:

  • Financial expertise: You gain access to a team of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of financial markets, investment strategies, tax and retirement planning as well as charitable giving.

  • Conflict-free advice: We use a straightforward, independent fee-based model to ensure you always get balanced advice that’s free from bank or brokerage affiliations.

  • Tailored comprehensive plans: We offer holistic wealth management services to optimize all aspects of your financial life. This includes portfolio management, financial and tax planning, and inter-generational wealth planning.

  • Personalized approach: Your financial plan is tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring a strategy that truly reflects your vision. If your circumstances change, we adapt your plan to ensure it continues to deliver maximum value.

  • Ongoing support: You have a dedicated wealth management team by your side, providing continuous guidance and support throughout your financial journey.

  • Peace of mind: Knowing your financial future is in the hands of experienced, unbiased professionals allows you to focus on what truly matters.

Working with an experienced financial advisor should be a smooth and enriching experience. If you’re not satisfied with the financial advice and guidance you’re currently receiving, remember that it’s easier than ever to switch. Come see how much value you can get from a fresh start with the Parkyn—Doyon La Rochelle team.

Let’s start building your financial future today

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