Episode 27: The “Mind the Gap 2021” Report

In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:

  • In the news: How the Big Banks are reacting to the new “Know Your Product” Rule

  • Main topic: The “Mind the Gap 2021” report on the cost of investor behaviour

  • Good advice of the day: Five advices from Raymond

Episode 26: What have markets taught us since 2000?

In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:

  • In the news: The latest Market Stats as of September 30

  • Main topic: “What have markets taught us since 2000?” – A roundtable

  • Good advice of the day: “Yes, bonds still belong to your portfolio”

  • Listener’s question: “I am concerned with the possible impact of rising government debt levels on my portfolio. How can I preserve capital?”

Episode 25: Emerging Markets Equity

In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:

  • In the news: Caisse de Dépôt sells a portion of its Canadian bank stock holdings

  • Main topic: Emerging Markets equity

  • Good advice of the day: “Consider buying Canadian-listed ETFs for US and international equity”

  • Listener’s question: “Are Individual bonds less risky the bond ETFs?”

Episode 24: Registered Education Savings Plans

In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:

  • In the news: A hacker steals $600 million worth of cryptocurrencies

  • Main topic: Registered Education Savings Plans

  • Good advice of the day: “Don’t Chase Performance”

  • Listener’s question: “How should I establish a target asset mix for my inapt mother?”

Episode 23: The High Cost of Investing in Hedge Funds

In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:

  • In the news: The Bridging Finance debacle

  • Main topic: The high cost of investing in hedge funds

  • Good advice of the day: “Buy and hold” beats “buy low and sell high”

  • Listener’s question: “Should I open an RESP for my grandchildren?”