In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn and François Doyon La Rochelle will discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subject :
Update on Year-end Tax Planning for Capital Market Investors
In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn and François Doyon La Rochelle will discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subject :
Update on Year-end Tax Planning for Capital Market Investors
In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn and François Doyon La Rochelle discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:
In the News: Review of Q3 market results
Main Topic: Managing your Emotions in a sea of negative Financial Market Noise
How to Invest Better – and Live Better ( by David Booth
Seven deadly sins of investing – PWL Capital by James Parkyn
Market Statistics - Parkyn Doyon La Rochelle - September 2022 - PWL Capital
In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn and François Doyon La Rochelle discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:
In the News: Update on the new FHSA’s
Main Topic: Bond Investing, the New Landscape
In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn and François Doyon La Rochelle discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:
In the News: Bear Markets and Tax-loss selling
Main Topic: Central Banks: Policy making challenges and Recessions
Mervyn King Interview:
Dimentional : Market Returns through a Century of Recessions (
“Crashed” By Adam Tooze: Crashed–ADAMTOOZE
Jerome Powell Keynote Speech : Speech by Chair Powell on monetary policy and price stability - Federal Reserve Board
In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn and François Doyon La Rochelle discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:
In the News: The Historical Benefit in Staying Invested in Bad Markets
Main Topic: Retirement Income Planning: Should Your Portfolio Withdrawals vary with the Market?